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Forum Global Rules

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1Forum Global Rules Empty Forum Global Rules 16/1/2013, 16:37


Founder / Adminsitrators
Founder / Adminsitrators

To maintain our forum quality & performance, our forum is now enforced with rules & guideline effective from your account been created. The rules are below:

  • Copyright Material will not torelate and will give a permemant ban if we receive any report from Goverment, DCMA, Author or Members.
  • Hacking / Bypass Forum System is prohibited.
  • Warez / Cracks / Keygen and other illegal programs are banned from spreading this forum

  • Topic Bump is only allow each 24 hours. Early Bump will given a warning and take action if the warning been ingore.
  • No Spammers! We do not accept useless material.
  • Public Flaming is not allow, if you have personal conflict with other members use PM instead.
  • Off-Topic is not recommended, always follow ThreadStarter questions.

To enhance other members usage experience, we recommend follow our guideline so it can provide best experience to you and other members:

  • Avatars Size shall not extend 500K which it shall enough to provide power to low-speed users.
  • Signature can only hold maximun 2 pictures, with Rules applies.

Administrators & Moderators have rights to modify, move, delete your posts without notice if does't seen suit our requirement. also if you going to break the rules, we are not welcome. Lastly we advise you to re-read this panel over and over because we won't notify you any change if we change our mind.

Have fun and enjoy staying with us Smile.

Rules started since 16-01-2013 | Comment: Beta Mode.

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